Friday, March 28, 2008

Farewell Dan.

My 18 year old cat died today, March 27th.  In comparison to other losses in my life, this has a very small place.  But Dan has been hanging around with me for a very long time. He is the reason why my Grandchildren call me Kittyama.   Most of that time we pretty much ignored each other.  That is what makes cats the perfect pet. 
I first saw him in 1990 in the window of a pet store that was in the Town Center in Plantation (since burned down).  I was with my very good friend and boss, Lisa.  We both thought he was the cutest kitten we ever saw.  I went back a few days later and bought him for $20.00.  In his early life he was a cat who needed to be outside at night.  He would pace and paw at the sliding glass door of anyplace I have lived.  When I bought the townhouse where I live now, one of the many rules was no roaming animals.  So he has been inside since 2000.  
He has been failing for the past two years and for at least the past six months every week I would decide that I had had enough and he HAD TO DIE.  I never could actually do the deed.
Starting Monday he stopped eating,  something he loved to do.  He would not even eat cold cuts and he loved loved loved all deli meat.  The sound of opening the package would bring him running.  I made the appointment for 6:00 PM Thursday night.  In the morning he looked like he was dead.  I called his name - no response.  I tried to be busy in the kitchen and then decided I needed to put a towel over him while I tried to figure out what to do.  As soon as I covered him his head popped up.   He stay alive until I came home after work.  I wrapped him up in a towel and when I picked him up he meowed three times.  We took the ride to the vet's and when we got there they told me he was already gone.  Lisa came with me and we handed Dan over to a very sweet worker at the vet's office and that was that.  People will say that "he waited for me to come home".  I am choosing to think that he knew how freaked out I would have been if he had died in the house.  I can't say enough about my friend Lisa - Thanks for coming, Lisa.

    This is my favorite picture Dan.   
I always said he was surfing for
 "kitty porn".

Goodbye Dan.


Momma O said...

Chris' favorite Dan moment- I love thinking about when Dan was young and Meredith and Jordan would come over to the house. If Dan was sitting in the kitchen minding his own business, Meredith would move into the kitchen very slowly trying not to attract the attention of Dan the "killer cat". They were petrified of him, but now he is kitty heaven with his friend Lenny. - Chris

Peggy said...

Oh Nancy....
I'm sorry about Dan dying. He kind of looks like my Misha. I have often thought why did I get Misha? It will be horrible when he dies. Right now though he is my little shadow that must sit on the back of the chair I am in and lay on the bed with me when I go to sleep. He does not pay that much attention to anyone but me, but perhaps it isn't because he loves me best, but because I am the one that feeds him!

Nancy said...

Momma O's comment reminded me of how Meredith had to walk outside through the pool area if Dan was in the kitchen. This of course was when she was much younger and Dan probably did chase her. Good Times!