Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hold that thought I have to go. Be back soon.


Around this time in November Liam started to go crazy for Ducks.  Or I went crazy with Liam and ducks.  It is the first word he says and he loves to watch the ducks that live in my backyard.  I would sit him on my lap and go to rubber duck web sites and he would just love every minute of it.  I then went DUCK crazy!

November 5, 2008 Yeah! It"s almost over.

I stood in line for almost six hours to vote on the Sunday before Election Day.  I am sure that I probably could have just walked in on Tuesday, but it will be a good story when I am really old and gray.  I am very happy about the out come.  Do you what to know a secret?  I still wish it was Hillary.  Oh well.

Liam's first Halloween.

We went the local mall.  Very low key, but it was his first costume occasion.  A borrowed lion. 

We tried on funny hats, ate Chick-fil-a, and went home.

Halloween. At work!

The people who dressed up thought it would be funny to all jump in the air while taking a picture.  And no I never dress up.

October 28th, 2008

Chris and Liam try out the Photo Booth app on my new Mac.  Cute.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Since it is 3AM, I will continue tomorrow. See ya.

And then...

Well I of course could not be without a computer and this is the very last thing I need to purchase. Introducing my new friend drumroll please .......TA DA!

Catch Up

Here are the highlights of the past two months.
Saturday October 25th my beloved 12" lapbook past away. 
Hard drive went.  So sad, so so so so SAD.  We had a good run and it may still come back someday all it needs I think is a new hard drive.